LockGame 3D
This is just a quick page I whipped up for LockGame 3D. Much more information can be found in the lockpicking101.com forums.
LockGame 3D is a (the only?) realistic 3D lockpicking game. I wrote it in roughly 2 months using a combination of C, OpenGL, and
SDL. It was released at DefCon 15 and the few that saw it had good reactions. The app is pretty rough, but it is a fully functional
game. It is open-source, so if something is broken or you think you can add a cool new feature; go for it and send me an email about
it :-) However, I don't really support this software anymore. The source is such a mess that I'm not sure I could even debug my own code.
Also, I started on version 2.0 which was much more complex, but that project eventually died.
Download Source Code
Good luck reading/modifying it! I am a pretty sloppy coder, so don't be surprised if you come across large chunks of C that make you say "what the hell?!"
Good luck reading/modifying it! I am a pretty sloppy coder, so don't be surprised if you come across large chunks of C that make you say "what the hell?!"

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.